Roger Cameron Creel


I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Physical Oceanography at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In August 2025, I start as an Assistant Professor in Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M University. In May 2024, I earned my PhD in geophysics from Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory as part of the Austermann lab group. My research focuses on sea-level change in the past and future and the interactions that sea level has with ice sheets, coastlines, permafrost, and continental hydrology.



December 2024 : In a new paper in Nature Communications, we argue that global mean sea level was like higher than pre-industrial during the Holocene.

December 2024 : Our paper about direct geologic constraints on late Holocene ice thickening in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, is now published in GRL. Good work Keir Nichols on leading this team effort!

December 2024 : Our paper on ice sheet asymmetry during the Last Interglacial causing multiple sea level peaks is now out in Geology!

November 2024 : Our paper on permafrost thaw compounding coastal hazards in Arctic Alaska is now out in PNAS. Check it out here , and press release here .

April 2024 : Our paper on Sea level and glacial-interglacial nitrogen isotope cycling was just accepted in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Thanks to Alex Auderset for leading an excellent study!

April 2024 : Our paper on subsea permafrost is now out in Nature Communications. Check it out here.

March 2024 : Our paper on Holocene sea level in Lofoten is now out in JQS. Thanks to Nick Balascio for leading the charge!

February 2024 : I attended the 2024 American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences meeting in New Orleans to present my work projecting future Alaskan coastal change.

December 2023 : I attended the 2023 American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco to present my work on Last Interglacial sea level oscillations. Good networking, good friendships, good science!

December 5, 2023 : My Postdoctoral Scholarship at Woods Hole has begun!

October 30, 2023 : Excited to announce that I successfully defended my dissertation! Thanks to my wonderful committee for excellent questions, to my community for showing up to hear about my science, and to my family for enduring the preparation. Please email me if you'd like to see the recording.

October 2023: I attended a workshop on Alaskan Arctic Coastal System in Boulder Colorado, focused on effective strategies for doing community-based research. So valuable to hear from a variety of stakeholders including indigenous and community perspectives.

September 2023 : I won Best Oral Presentation for a talk I gave at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) workshop at the University of Minnesota's Cloquet Forestry Center outside of Duluth, MN! Very exciting to be surrounded by so many powerful science minds to think about the past and future (in)stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Thank you to Matt Siegfried, Ryan Venturelli, and the other WAIS workshop masterminds for the generous invitation to speak! You can find a recording of my talk here.

September 2023: I spent an awesome week in Bergen chatting with folks at the Geophysical Institute, the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, NORCE, and the Nansen Center about permafrost, ice sheets, and sea level. Thanks to Kerim Nisancioglu for the kind invitation to talk about my work.

September 2023: I presented my work on Holocene Antarctic ice volume at the SCAR-INSTANT (Instabilities in Antarctica) conference in Trieste, Italy. What a star-studded week of Antarctic science! Thank you to Flo Colleoni and Tim Naish for spearheading the organizing and to PRAMSO for sponsoring my attendance!

August 2023 : I attended the ACDC-GRISO Summer School in Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland. Excellent science in an unreal landscape with icebergs everywhere, sled dogs baying by night, whales on the horizon, and and sunlight nearly to midnight. Big thanks to Kerim Nisancioglu, Fiamma Straneo, Don Slater, David Battisti, and Camilla Andresen for organizing and supporting my attendance.

August 2023 : I visited Ben and Melissa Ward Jones in Alaska for a week to look at permafrost and the effect of beavers on the permafrost landscape now, during the mid-Holocene, and during the Last Interglacial. Super exciting to see permafrost for the first time and start building an Alaska network!

June 2023: I spent a month in Hawaii doing fieldwork to study Last Interglacial coral reef deposits. We used drone photogrammetry and differential GPS to map deposits, then U-series measurements to determine their ages. The goal is to better understand relative and global mean sea level the last time Earth was as warm as it will be in the 21st century. Thanks to Chip Fletcher and Haunane Kane at University of Hawaii for being so welcoming!

March 2023: I helped lead a week-long undergraduate fieldtrip to Death Valley with Professors Nick Christie-Blick and Fola Kolawole. It's exciting to show first years who have never studied geoscience how to look at rocks!

December 2022: I attended AGU and presented a talk on my subsea permafrost research, and enjoyed hanging out with the PerCS-Net folks. Great fun to chat ideas with bright scientists!

October 2022: I traveled to Mystic, CT, to attend week-long retreat organized and sponsored by the Permafrost Coastal Systems Network (PerCS-Net) , which is spearheaded by Ben Jones. See this link for a description. Bravo to the many participants who are doing responsible, community-oriented research on the coastal impacts of climate change on Arctic environments.

August 2022: I traveled to Holland to attend a sea-level summer school in Delft organized by Riccardo Riva and Miren Vizcaino, which dug into the challenges and policy of sea-level change in Holland, a place that has spent 1000+ years confronting it.

July 2022: I gave talks on my mid-Holocene project at World Climate Research Program's Sea Level Conference summer school in Delft and permafrost project at PALSEA 2022 Annual Meeting. Thanks to the organizers for two engaging meetings!

June 2022: I did three weeks of Last Interglacial carbonate fieldwork in Turks and Caicos. Check out trip co-leader Blake Dyer's photo gallery for shots of the crew at work, including some gorgoeus Elkhorn coral from West Caicos. Beware the fire coral and upside down jelly fishes!

May 2022: I attended the International Association of Sedimentologists' 8th Summer School on Eleuthera, Bahamas. Check out page 10 of this IAS newsletter for a description of the trip. Bravo to Peter Swart, Gregor Eberli, Chelsea Pederson, and Monica Arienzo for organizing and running this excellent experience.

March 2022: Our paper on "Postglacial Relative Sea Level in Norway" was just published in Quaternary Science Reviews!